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Flash Projector
Flash Projector
JTools JShapor
Version 1.1
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OK, Flash fans, it's time to get out of the box and transform the image of your Projector files. All you need is your imagination and a little help from your friends at FlashJester. With the powerful pairing of JShapor and Jugglor , you'll be on your way to creating custom Projector files in a matter of minutes. Size it. Shape it. Use a bitmap to define the exact shape. You're in control. Remember that to create custom files, JShapor needs to work in conjunction with Jugglor

Jugglor Pro or Standard comes FREE with JShapor.

JShapor & all FlashJester products support Flash 3/4/5/MX/MX 2004/8 & Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP

Create a custom sized and shaped projector file

printscreens jtools jshapor 1

Using JShapor's transparency tool, it is easy to select the part of the skin you wish to have transparent allowing you to shape the projector how you want.


printscreens jtools jshapor 2

Nerolac Demo
This little demo shows what can be achieved with JShapor and Flash.

download nerolac.exe

printscreens jtools jshapor 3

3rdEye Clock
A demo created by use to show off the use of Flash's scripting and JShapor combined.

Download 3rdeyeclock.exe

Flash Projector
Flash Projector
Flash Projector
Flash Projector
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Flash Development
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Flash Tools
Eyeballs - Pat Friedl
Eyeballs - Pat Friedl
Someone's watching you! Move the mouse and see the eyeballs follow the mouse. This is done by using actionscript in fullscreen mode. It then uses Jugglor's Transparent Engine to create the transparency effect in fullscreen. It does all this and uses very little resources. Thanks to Pat, all eyes will be on you.

Tools used - Jugglor v2 Pro

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Pictures of Personality

Pictures of Personality
Pictures of Personality designs and develops educational software and visual media for educators, professionals, and companies. The Type TV Show, packaged using FlashJester Jugglor, is the most recent addition to the Pictures of Personality Visual Collection. The Type TV Show is a visual introduction to psychological types (also known as 16 MBTI Personality Types).
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Flash tools Flash tools
Ford Motor Company
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Flash tools Flash tools
Flash tools Flash tools
Flash tools Many thanks for your fast and professional fix to the problem we found using your Jugglor product. Working on a large-scale project was made so much easier by being able to produce our CD in this way. I will most definitely be promoting the use of the product in every CD I have to work on. Flash tools
Chris Masters - Freeserve Plc
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Flash Projector
Flash Projector
Flash ProjectorFlash Projector
Flash ProjectorFlash Projector
Flash Projector
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Flash Tools
Flash Tools
Flash Tools Flash Tools Flash Tools
Flash Tools
Flash Tools