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Flash Projector
Flash Projector
JTools JSystem
Version 1.0

JTools JSystem
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Your File & Folder Commander

Take command of Flash with the latest JTool from FlashJester, JSystem. It lets you add extensions and commands to Flash that are not currently available in Actionscript. Best of all, JSystem has a set of built-in commands that allow you to do File and Folder Management. It works along side Jugglor so you can extend your Flash file capabilities by combining the FSCOMMAND with other System commands.

When you add a JSystem link in your Juggled file, there's no need to create a FSCommand folder - Jugglor does all the work. Plus you can take advantage of Jugglor's additional features so you can customise your Projectors, try the borderless option, change the icon and more.

Here's what features JSystem offers:

Added SelectFolder and ReadFolder Added SelectFolder and ReadFolder
CopyToClipboard and GetFromClipboard CopyToClipboard and GetFromClipboard
Append to, copy, delete, rename file, etc. with File Manipulation Append to, copy, delete, rename file, etc. with File Manipulation
Select, read, create, copy or delete a folder with Folder Manipulation Select, read, create, copy or delete a folder with Folder Manipulation
Saves text content to a text file Saves text content to a text file
Display the current CD-ROM drive Display the current CD-ROM drive
Open/Save Dialog Open/Save Dialog
Unlimited distribution Unlimited distribution
Compact - only 132 kb each Compact - only 132 kb each
No MS-DOS boxes No MS-DOS boxes

JSystem & all FlashJester products support Flash 3/4/5/MX/MX 2004/8 & Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP

You must have a copy of Jugglor for this plugin to work.


JTools JSystem
Flash Projector
Flash Projector
Flash Projector
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Flash Development
Flash Jester for Hire
Flash Tools Flash Tools
Flash Tools
Wedding Slideshow
Wedding Slideshow
It's a wedding and your invited to see an example of a transparent slideshow. Look closely and you'll see FlashJester's big chief in India as he ties the knot.

Tools used - Jugglor v2 Pro

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Flash tools Flash tools
Flash tools Just want to share with others how your J-Start program saved the day for me. This is my third year placing the conference proceedings for the Florida Water Resources Conference onto CD in a book form. I use quite a few programs to do this (Flash, Illustrator, Photo Shop, MS Word, Adobe Acrobat and a few others). Last year I decided to use a flash movie to open up the CD. I had previously used Astound and was surprised to find that Flash cannot open a PDF. I had to call Flash tech support and ended up writing a quick Director file to do this (with the help of their tech support). This year I thought, "No Problem. I will just give the new file the same name as the old one, put it in the same relative place and it will work." NOT! After finding I would need to pay for a tech support call to Director I got online and found J-Start. As mentioned, I already have Director, but don't really use it and comparing the "one-time" cost for tech support to the purchase of your program, I decided to "go with the the Jester". The learning curve was not too intimidating and the one email I sent with a question was answered quickly. Thank you for giving me a quick and functional answer to my dilema with J-Start. The Proceedings on CD was very well accepted and I have been asked to carry on with the project next year. Flash tools
Jonathan Owen - Graphics & Visual Production - Hartman & Associates, Inc.
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