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Flash Projector
Flash Projector
JTools JStart v2.0
Version 2.0
Flash Tools
JTools JStart v2.0
Buy JTools JStart v2.0 NOW JTools JStart v2.0 JTools JStart v2.0 example


What is JStart ?

Are you always asking yourself these questions about a

Flash Projector file


Flash Tools How can I open a PDF, Word Document Movie file, Text or any other associated files ?
Flash Tools How can I directly print a pdf or word document ?
Flash Tools Why can't I use parameters/arguments in the FSCommand, Exec ?
Flash Tools Can I open an application maximised ?
Flash Tools Can I send keyboard events once the application is open ?

With JStart, you can launch any file, and it will open up in the programme which the user has specified with that file. This means that you won't have to distribute the programme as well. As with all JTools, JStart is a very small programme and you will only have to distribute one copy as it runs on the parameters the Projector file sends it.

New / Improved features


Flash Tools Supports Adobe Flash CS3
Flash Tools Compatible with Windows Microsoft Vista
Flash Tools JStart with Key Press Scripting, now you can send keyboard event to opened applications.
Flash Tools Added /WindowToForeground=Caption, which allows you bring any Window Application to the front.
Flash Tools Added /Closeall which allows you to closeall all application open by JStart
Flash Tools Added /OneCopy which allows only one instance of application to be opened


Flash Tools Print directly any file that supports DDE printing
Flash Tools Start applications maximised or minimised

The FSCommand Exec of Flash allows you to run almost any programme you wish. However, that is all you can do with it. Even with the new release of Flash CS3, there is not much more power to the command. JStart enhances the power of the Exec command to its full potential allowing the execution of programmes, parameters and the opening of files with their default editors or programmes. This opens up many opportunities into the operations you can control by the Flash file.

KeyPress Scripting

This is a new powerful feature in version 2.0. Basically it allows you to send key presses to an application after it has been opened. You can send multiply key presses by adding delays before you issue your next command. So what does this exactly mean ? Well now you can

Flash Tools Open your pdf file and go to a certain page or even print it.
Flash Tools Open the browser in full screen by sending the F11 key press.

Download the following key press scripting example file and see the power behind it.

keypress example file

Using Arguments with JStart

The field Arguments in the Parameters section of the JStart configuration window allows you to set additional information to dictate how applications are to be executed. For example, some DOS applications must be run with an argument of a file to open.

JStart will only work with PC projector files and SWF files that use the LOADMOVIE command from a projector file.

JStart & all FlashJester products support

blank Flash 3/4/5/MX/MX 2004/8/CS3
blank Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista

JStart can run almost any file such as:

Flash Tools Avi's

Flash Tools Programs Flash Tools JPEG's
Flash Tools PDF

Flash Tools Bitmaps Flash Tools MP3
Flash Tools Doc

Flash Tools Tiffs Flash Tools HTML
Flash Tools And many for

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Flash Projector
Flash Projector
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Flash tools Thank you for taking care of our problem getting JTools from you. As you could probably tell from my e-mail, I was quite frustrated. However, I do understand technical problems and thank you for taking care of the problem as you could as well as the copy of Woof. This was a nice gesture of good will. As I said, I think you have a great product, and I hope that you can continue to work to make sure that problems like the one you had last week can be taken care of in a timely manner. Flash tools
Jason Bradley - Righteous Planet Design Studio
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