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Flash Projector
Flash Projector
JTools JSave
Version 1.2
JTools JSave box
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One of the new features in Flash was that it allowed you to load variables from outside files. It did not take long until text files were being used to quickly update Flash files. Using ASP,

Flash designers

  have created guest books, Flash databases and much more. This involved the information being read from the ASP files and then written back to them. However, this could only be accomplished online...until now!

JSave, one of FlashJester's JTools, allows you to SAVE text entered into Flash to a text file on the hard drive. It saves user options, allows you to enter details in Flash offline and allows you to insert your name and it will remember for future launches of the Flash file.

Added MYDOC%, MYSOL& and MYAPPDATA% commands

My Documents Directory - MYDOC%
Application Data Folder - APPDATA%
Shared Object Directory - MYSOL%

JSave support Flash 3/4/5/MX/MX 2004/8 & Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP

Change the way it looks

Save text entered into a Flash file to a text file
Use JSave to save and retrieve the date and the time
Only need one copy of JTool for all your saving needs in the same Flash file
File size is just 20K!
Quick and easy to set up

Included is the JSave example file to show you all the great features. Also included is the FLA file for the example file so you will be able to see how each link works.
printscreens jtools jsave
JSave is simple to set up and soon you'll be saving to text files quickly and without difficulty

Load and Reload!

Using a combination of JSave's saving capabilities and Flash's loading variables from text files, you can create cool effects and neat Flash applications. How about a Flash Notepad? All possible with the power of FlashJester!

printscreens jtools jsave 2

One copy

You will need only one copy of JSave to create several links from a Flash file as JSave, as with all the JTools, uses parameters. To set up these command line parameters, all you will need is a text editor. Once you register, you will receive a FREE copy of JHelpor to help you set up the command line quickly and simply. For more information about JHelpor, click here.

Using JSave with Flash MX

In order for JSave to work with Flash MX you will have to use it with Jugglor, this is because of the security features added to Flash MX. Please take a look at the FAQ and download the example file to see it working.
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Flash Tools
3D-rendered transparent ambulance that chases the mouse around the screen. This virtual vehicle takes advantage of Jugglor's UNIQUE transparency engine that's smooth, fast and reliable. Plus it uses very little CPU time.

Tools used - Jugglor v2 Pro

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Flash tools This is Richard. I called you this morning regarding a problem linking PDF files using JStart. I just wanted to say "Thank You." Your solution of duplicating the INI and EXE files, renaming them, and editing the code in Notepad worked perfectly. Thanks again, Richard Flash tools
Richard Cady -
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