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Rage Against The Machine
date added: 26 Nov 2001
size: 377 Kb

Rage Against The Machine


Take a look at this great looking iCard produced by iMediate Digital Communication for Epic The Netherlands. A top use of Jugglor in this promo for Rage Against The Machine's latest album incorporating audio and info.

Tools used - Jugglor v1.1d

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Active Aid - Aagon Consulting GmbH
date added: 26 Nov 2001
size: 650 Kb

Active Aid - Aagon Consulting GmbH


This install shield is a great example of how you can use Jugglor to create essential tools needed these days as well as great looking animations.
*Note: This is an example file of an install shield to show you what can be done. The links point to files on a CD ROM but the graphics are still all there.

Tools used - Jugglor v1.1d

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Robert Dialer - from Infosion for SIEMENS
date added: 26 Nov 2001
size: 893 Kb

Robert Dialer - from Infosion for SIEMENS


This example really hits home the power of Flash and Jugglor. They call it a FlashMail. It's a project Infosion created for SIEMENS - Telecom. It's an invitation (with a virtual presenter called "robert dialer") for the Telecom 99 in Geneva. It's one of their best projects. It has sound, background music and the thing is so smooth. The original projector file is 1072KB, but when you Juggle it with all its features you get it down to 872KB.Yes it's pretty incredible. No need to zip it.

Tools used - Jugglor v1.1d

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Telco Flash Mail - from Infosion for SIEMENS
date added: 26 Nov 2001
size: 540 Kb

Telco Flash Mail - from Infosion for SIEMENS


Another great example by Infosion showing the great possibilities of Jugglor. This is the very first issue of "FlashMail" from SIEMENS. With loads of pictures, sound and information, Jugglor manages to keep the file size down to an incredible 527KB!

Tools used - Jugglor v1.1d

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Stuff The Bird!
date added: 26 Nov 2001
size: 367 Kb

Stuff The Bird!


Eric Bort has created a masterpiece of a game with "Stuff the chicken!". The aim of the game? To shoot all the chickens that come bouncing across you screen with your trusty toaster and loaf of bread. That's right, you have to shoot the birds out the air with toast!

Tools used - Jugglor v1.1d

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Flash Tools
3D-rendered transparent ambulance that chases the mouse around the screen. This virtual vehicle takes advantage of Jugglor's UNIQUE transparency engine that's smooth, fast and reliable. Plus it uses very little CPU time.

Tools used - Jugglor v2 Pro

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Your Printing Solution provides businesses and individuals with a wide range of printing and digital production services. Our solutions include personalized office stationery and corporate identity/branding work; indoor and outdoor banners; big format printing; flags and posters; web hosting; company profile or product catalog production on CD or other media, like VCD or DVD.
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Flash tools Flash tools
Flash tools Guys, Thank you so much!!! Whenever I contact a company I am usually disappointed with response, but you guys provide fantastic support; same day if not next day! That is a rarity these days. So thank you for your help and more so for providing a solution to my problem. And you can quote me on that. Flash tools
Steve - Art Director & Project Manager of Electronic Media
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