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Flash Projector
Flash Projector
JTools JAvi
Version 1.1

JTools JAvi box
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Launch and play AVI video files in the JAvi custom player from FlashJester. Total customisation is in your hands. With many different settings, you control the way this JTool looks and plays with the Flash file using the FSCommand Exec and JAvi. Released in October '99, the features include looping, close when finished, size of AVI, position on screen, one instance, close all JAvi's playing, sound on/off, dragging on/off, toolbar and control bar disabling/enabling and border size.

Picture this. You are starting a multimedia project. Your client wants you to use their animated logo in it. The animation is an AVI. So what is your solution? You could either import it into Flash and lose the quality or you could choose to make the multimedia project in Director. However, the Director file size is huge and you want to make it fit on a disk. No problem. JAvi is here to help. Launch Avi's from your Flash file using this simple and very customisable player.

JProWeb and all FlashJester products support Flash 3/4/5/MX/MX2004/8 and Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000 and XP

Change the way it looks

Border on/off
Draggable on/off
Toolbar on/off
Full Screen
Ratio to make sure that the AVI will appear the same in any screen resolution

Included is the JAvi example file to show you all the great features. Also included is the FLA example file so you will be able to see how each link works.

printscreens jtools javi

Position the JAvi where ever you wish and then use the ratio feature to make sure it opens in that position and size on all resolutions

Change the way it plays

Play once and then close
Sound On/Off
Play selected frames

printscreens jtools javi printscreens jtools javi

JAvi Wizard

When you purchase JAvi, you will get a FREE copy of JHelpor, giving you access to JAvi's setup wizard. With this wizard, you will soon have JAvi links set up in no time thanks to its easy to use interface and many options.

printscreens jtools javi

Using the wizard is as simple as checking boxes and filling in fields. JHelpor then does that hard work for you by generating the parameters needed in your Flash file to run the JAvi link. Then, it is as simple as copying the text into your Flash file's FSCommand.

One copy

You will need only one copy of JAvi to create several links from a Flash file as JAvi, as with all the JTools, uses parameters. To set up these command line parameters, all you will need is a text editor. Once you register, you will receive a FREE copy of JHelpor to help you set up the command line quickly and simply. For more information about JHelpor, click here.


You can purchase JAvi for as little as $99. With this you also get a Free copy of JHelpor.
Flash Projector
Flash Projector
Flash Projector
Flash Projector
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Flash Development
Flash Jester for Hire
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Flash Tools
Mudbubble Desktop Pet
Mudbubble Desktop Pet
This is a one-of-a-kind software program that installs on your PC. When launched, your desktop will become the playground for the Mudbubble dog character. You'll be able to interact with him by selecting various animations and how he moves around your display. Download it now and have hours of fun.

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Kurrent Interactive, Inc
Kurrent Interactive, Inc. specializes in the design and development of creative new media using Macromedia Flash. Kurrent Interactive delivers static and data driven media in the areas of education, entertainment, advertising, and business. Some projects include brands such as Circuit City, Quaker Chewy Granola Bars, Boca, and Time Magazine.
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Flash tools Flash tools
Flash tools Flash tools
Flash tools Jtools encompass a variety of small helper applications that add functionality to your Projectors such as saving text info, printing (now also included in the newer Flash Players), .avi inclusion, and the 3 classics - JStart, JWeb, and JEmail. These products help add functionality to the Flash projector to do things that the creators of Flash didn't include. Flash tools
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