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Flash Projector
Flash Projector
JTools JNetCheck
Version 1.1
JTools JNetCheck box
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Your Connection Checkers

One of the great features of a

Flash Projector file

  is that it loads movies and variables not only from your hard drive, but also from the web. When you need to talk to a web server to retrieve or update data, Flash has the ability to use the GET and POST command to update data on websites. But if users are not connected online then the data will not be sent or retrieved. Uh-oh. This is why we created JNetCheck. With this JTool, you can check to see if the user is online or not, all from one simple command.

This is extremely useful as you can then choose not to run a certain command if the user is not online, and message them to connect to the Internet. Once run, JNetCheck displays the connection status (True or False) in a text file which you can load into Flash as variables. What you do after that is totally up to you. You could...

Display the connection status in a field
Submit details if the user is online
In a game, publish high scores to the web (with the use of CGI or ASP scripting)
Work with proxy servers

JNetCheck & all FlashJester products support Flash 3/4/5/MX/MX 2004/8 & Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP

Easy as 1 > 2 > 3
JNetCheck is one of our easiest JTools to use and can be setup in a matter of minutes.

printscreens jnetcheck
Put an FSCommand to launch JNetCheck. When it runs it will write the connection status to a text file ...
printscreens jnetcheck 2
... which you then load in using the load variables command...

printscreens jnetcheck 3
... and then use the variable however you wish!

However, if you do have any problems, there is a full help file showing you a detailed step by step.

One copy
You will only need one copy of JNetCheck to create several links from a Flash file because JNetCheck, like all JTools, uses parameters.To set up these command line parameters, all you will need is a text editor. Once you register, you will receive a FREE copy of JHelpor to help you set up the command line quickly and simply. For more information about JHelpor, click here.
Flash Projector
Flash Projector
Flash Projector
Flash Projector
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 » JEmail
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 » JStart v2.0
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Flash Development
Flash Jester for Hire
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Flash Tools
Peteco Desktop Toy
Peteco Desktop Toy
Peteco knows just what you need -- a cute little toy for your desktop entertainment. He laughs, dances, sleeps and writes while moving around the screen. Try dragging him and see him react. Drag him on Window and see him move along it. The whole file including the installation file was created in Jugglor v2. It includes the Flash plugin installation file, so if the user doesn't have it, the plugin can be installed automatically.

Tools used - Jugglor v2 Pro

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PureSafety is a leading provider of online training and risk management solutions. We are a recognized pioneer in the development and delivery of online, compliance-based, training solutions. With our flexible Learning Management System (LMS), extensive library of courseware, and customizable training solutions, we deliver everything our customers need to improve their workplace health, safety and organizational performance.
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Flash tools Flash tools
Flash tools Just want to share with others how your J-Start program saved the day for me. This is my third year placing the conference proceedings for the Florida Water Resources Conference onto CD in a book form. I use quite a few programs to do this (Flash, Illustrator, Photo Shop, MS Word, Adobe Acrobat and a few others). Last year I decided to use a flash movie to open up the CD. I had previously used Astound and was surprised to find that Flash cannot open a PDF. I had to call Flash tech support and ended up writing a quick Director file to do this (with the help of their tech support). This year I thought, "No Problem. I will just give the new file the same name as the old one, put it in the same relative place and it will work." NOT! After finding I would need to pay for a tech support call to Director I got online and found J-Start. As mentioned, I already have Director, but don't really use it and comparing the "one-time" cost for tech support to the purchase of your program, I decided to "go with the the Jester". The learning curve was not too intimidating and the one email I sent with a question was answered quickly. Thank you for giving me a quick and functional answer to my dilema with J-Start. The Proceedings on CD was very well accepted and I have been asked to carry on with the project next year. Flash tools
Jonathan Owen - Graphics & Visual Production - Hartman & Associates, Inc.
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