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Flash Projector
Flash Projector
Flash Jester Creator
launch presentation

Coming at you is a list of Creator's amazing features. And if you want to check out Creator's feature presentation, click here.

Total Flash Compatibility & Support of Windows

Creator is 100% compatible with Macromedia Flash 3, 4, 5, MX, MX 2005 and 8, allowing you to add more features, better graphics, animation and sound than ever before! Creator is also compatible with Adobe LiveMotion so you can create screen savers no matter which package you use to create SWFs.

On the operating systems front, Creator supports Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP.

No Plugins Required

Creator does not require any plugins. So the end user will not need to download the

Flash plugin

  or any others for that matter. As long as the user's PC is on, your file can be seen. The finished file contains everything that is needed to view your screen savers in style.

HUGE Compression

Creator features amazing compression. Create your screen saver from a 1.2MB Projector file and still get it to fit on a disk. Creator can take the

Projector file

, add a setup box to it and a midi file along with all the settings you wish and then package it up in a customisable install file with graphics and still only add about 200KB!

Custom Setup Box

You're in control of the setup box design. Create a custom-designed box that moulds to the shape of your bitmap. You can include hyperlinks to e-mail and web addresses and use free text to insert a copyright, trademark, version number or other comments. As always, FlashJester does not put adverts or banners in the setup box, ensuring it's all yours.

Control Interaction

With Creator, you are in command. Take control of the interaction and sound with the On/Off option set. You can even play midi files.

Automatic Update Online

No need to search around on the site for any upgrades, patches or additions. Creator now features an almost automatic update feature. This will allow you to get the latest update by simply logging onto the Internet and clicking "Update Creator" from one of the menus in Creator. Creator will then download and install the latest additions without you having to do any installing, uninstalling or configuring.

Real-Time Previews

As you design your screen saver, check out your progress in the screen saver dialogue box which shows real-time previews. See things as they develop before your very eyes.

User-Friendly - No Programming Skills Needed

With Creator's easy to use interface, it is great for all Flash fans, from designers and developers to those just starting out. No programming skills are necessary to take advantage of Creator's unmatched offering. It's never been so easy to create killer screen savers. In fact, it will only take you about 10 minutes to have a fully functional screen saver up and running. With experience, you can half that time. FlashJester also offers program group support to assist users.


  • Eliminates need to use outside packages to create readme files or installer - Creator is an all-in-one package.
  • Compresses and automatically combines into the install file
  • Creates an uninstall program to aid the user in removing the screen saver from the system
  • Lets you choose from an almost unlimited combination of fill effects, bitmaps, header and footer text with great effects such as shadowing for the background of the installer
  • Features customisable installation dialogue boxes
  • Sets the screen saver as default after installation
  • Shows "Display Properties" dialogue box after installation


  • Allows all bitmaps, midis, text files and projector files to be hidden from the user, hence making it tamper proof
  • Offers password protection


  • Allows creation of one single .exe or span multiple disks with the install file - Useful for distribution over the Internet, on floppy disk or CD
  • Features unlimited distribution with the Creator License
(Others - Misc.)
  • Allows you to change the screen saver's icon
  • Packages your screen saver up in a fully controllable installation environment
  • Previews the screen saver in the screen saver properties preview box
  • Disables the right-click and escape key menus
  • Offers multiple language support
  • Forces the Projector file to go full screen regardless of the settings
  • Includes Multi-SWF support for use with Load Movie
  • Supports 16 colour and 256 Colour, 32 x 32 Icons
  • Optimises all bitmaps of more than 256 colours to 25
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Flash Development
Flash Jester for Hire
Flash Tools Flash Tools
Flash Tools
Mano One Screen Saver
Mano One Screen Saver
The people at Mano One used all their expert skills in Flash to create this outstanding screen saver. Featuring examples of their artwork, cool music and a brilliant demonstration of using 3D in the form of a virtual room make this screen saver a must for download.


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Kurrent Interactive, Inc

Kurrent Interactive, Inc
Kurrent Interactive, Inc. specializes in the design and development of creative new media using Macromedia Flash. Kurrent Interactive delivers static and data driven media in the areas of education, entertainment, advertising, and business. Some projects include brands such as Circuit City, Quaker Chewy Granola Bars, Boca, and Time Magazine.
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