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Flash Projector
Flash Projector

New in Creator 1.3

Supports Flash MX!

Minor bug fixes

Supports XP

Supports an image for the preview screen

Additional escape key

Here's what's new with Creator 1.2

Third Party Support

Get more support for third party installation tools, such as Wise or Installshield, when packing your screen saver.

Add the JTools

You can now add any of FlashJester's JTools to your screensaver, i.e. JStart. This is useful if you want to call a URL into the screen saver and avoid errors common with the conventional method of Get URL.

Windows NT Exception Error Overruled

Windows NT used to have an exception error that would appear if the screen saver was left running for a long time. This was due to Windows NT's user privileges and security, but this is no longer a problem and will not occur.

Keyboard Interaction

Creator now supports full Keyboard interaction. Previously interaction was limited to just the Esc key, but now this enhanced feature allows users to even type in text if required.

Jog, Stop, Start Error & Disappearing Cursor Stopped

When previewing the screen saver in the Windows 95 preview box, errors caused the screen saver to jog, stop and start. This was a bug within Windows 95 and it was fixed in Windows 98 and NT. No fear for Window 95 users as we wrote code to fix the error as Microsoft never did.

We also found a way to get around the problem of the cursor not appearing on screen when typing in the screen saver's password to exit. The cursor will now always appear on screen when you wish to exit the screen saver.

DLL File Update

The screen saver's DLL file has been updated with a new version in Creator 1.2 also.

Gradient Bug Squashed

The gradient bug that existed in the last version is fixed in the latest version of Creator

2000 Compatibility & Beyond

Now all the screen savers you create will be Win 2000 compatible, so that means it will now run on Win95/98/NT/2000/ME, XP platforms.

Upgrading existing user from 1.2 to 1.3

All existing users can upgrade to 1.3 for only $39. If an email hasn't been sent to you telling about the upgrade then please click here.

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Intrend - The screen saver
Intrend - The screen saver
With an award winning site, the people at Intrend have come up with this incredible screen saver featuring over 5 minutes of animation and sound. Download this now!

Go to web page | Download

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Hartman & Associates, Inc
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